Last Updated:  August 25th   2024

Terms of Service for IQXCONNEX

www.IQXCONNEX.io and its subsidiaries, has a Strict NO-REFUND Policy.  Due to the Products and services rendered, by completing your activation and or any payment within our system, YOU AGREE THAT ALL SALES ARE FINAL Herein and applicable on our payment pages as well throughout this site…  As a user of our said services, you agree to adhere by said terms, services and conditions.  Thank You!


Welcome to our terms of service page.

IQX is a provider of “systems as a service, and Sass (Software as a service), both online and offline.  Our product and services serve a wide range of businesses and serve as a gateway by giving users the ability to connect whomever under compliant considered measures.  We have listed out the legalese below but if you have any questions, please contact us:  legal@iqxconnex.io

Refund Policy – All sales are final

By access to our  proprietary “Systems as a Service” and or “Sass model”, you agree to the refund policy and addendum below.  When becoming a customer/client/member of IQXCONNEX products and or services &  its subsidiaries by virtue of making your payment to IQXCONNEX LLC, you understand that any completed purchases or payments are non-refundable as you are granted access to the System SITE, Software, including but not limited to the cloud based software, services, training area and other proprietary items made available in your back office provided to you by the System SITE.  You further understand that you may be paying for services rendered (of your own free will and choice) within the system through our cloud-based voice software and platform and or other various services provided.  You understand and agree that payment is accepted through our various merchant services wherein you may make payment with a major debit / credit card, including but not limited to Stripe or Other various methods.  Once again, all sales are final.  Should the need arise, you agree to discuss any concerns regarding the System SITE Admin, a Division of IQXCONNEX LLC.

It is understood that funds paid for any of our self managed software related services such as any services made available to you through your back office interface and cloud based servers, will not be refunded to you if you do not keep your monthly membership agreement. (any accounts in-active for more then 15 days can be, and are subject to removal and and loss of purchases without refund).

It is your responsibility to utilize services purchased &  provided in your self managed account.  Purchaser further agrees to be bound by our Policies Addendum herein noted below and within the private customer login area that is displayed every time the customer logs into the platform which is confirmed and tracked in depth by our system and a report can be provided upon request.

System Services Policies Addendum

Customers/Clients/Members understand and agree to the following policies including but not limited to:  software, systems as a service, data, files, information, and any online or electronic documentation (“Software, or cloud based services”) which it accompanies.

a. Assent To Be Bound

When using our services provided by our software system site, user agrees to be bound by the policies listed herein.  If customer/Client/Member does not agree with any policy, then please do not purchase said software related services.

b. Payments for products/services to be used with said services, once purchased, are non-refundable due to the nature of the services being provided.  Since our customers/clients/members get instant access to the software, system being purchased.

c. Restrictions on Grant

Except as otherwise specifically permitted in this Agreement, customer/client/member may not: (i) Modify or create any derivative works of any Software, Services or Documentation, including translation or localization (code written to push APIs (application programming interfaces) for the software shall not be deemed derivative works); (ii) Sublicense or permit simultaneous use of the Service by more than one user; (iii) Reverse engineer, decompile, or dissemble or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for any Software related to the Service (except to the extent applicable laws specifically profit such restriction) Re-distribute, encumber, sell rent, lease, sublicense, use the Service in a timesharing or service bureau arrangement, or otherwise transfer rights to any Software.  You man NOT transfer the Software rights under any circumstances; (v) Remove or alter any trademark, logo copyright or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols or labels in the Products (s) or Services; (vi) Publish any results of benchmark tests run on Software to a third party without the Sites prior written consent.

d. Service Product Support

The Site is under no obligation to provide technical support under the the terms of this agreement, and provides no assurance that any specific errors or discrepancies in the service will be corrected, however, if you are in need of our admin support team, you can submit a request to admin@iqxconnex.io for further assistance!

e. Ownership and Copyright of Services

Title to the services remains with the Site and/or its suppliers.  The service’s are copyrighted and protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.  Customers/Clients/Members will not remove copyright notices from any related services, products provided.  Customers/Clients/Members agree to prevent any unauthorized access to user’s service account.  Except as expressly provided herein, the Site does not grant any express or implied right to Licensee under the Site’s and/or its suppliers patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secret information.

f. Confidentiality

The services are confidential information.  Customers/Clients/Members will not disclose service or any comments regarding services to any third party without prior written approval of the System Site Admin.  Users will maintain the confidentiality of services with at least the same degree of care that you use to protect your own confidential and propriety information.  The disclosure of any confidential information which is: (i) in the public domain other than by a breach of this Agreement on its users; or (ii) rightfully received from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality; or (iii) rightfully know to the users without any limitation on use or disclosure prior to its receipt from the Site; or (iv) independently developed by any users; or (v) generally made available to third parties by the Site without restriction on disclosure.

g. Limitations On Liability for Services Rendered.

Provision of any Service under these policies shall not create any obligation for service to continue to develop, produce, support, repair, offer for sale or in any other way continue to provide or develop service either to the customer/client member or to any other party.

Users hereby warrant and represent that any use of said services provided by the System Site will be in accordance with any and all Local, State and Federal Laws in which the user is governed by.  Furthermore the user agrees that they are solely responsible for any use of services and software provided in which they have created and processed through the System Site for marketing, and communication purposes and that the System Site will not be liable for any indirect, special or consequential damages.  User understands that certain laws are in place governing the commercial practice of said services and agrees to:

i.  Become familiar with any Local, state, Federal or International law which governs said services that may apply to the end users.

ii. Provide accurate information for any campaign performed using software.  Ability to opt out of any said campaign at any time

iv. Use said services provided by the Site for only Business To Business or Business to Consumer communications, and has consent directly from a consumer showing that the consumer has opted in to receive such communications and or marketing correspondence

v. Users understand that responsible use of said services provided by the Site must be maintained.  If the user is unfamiliar with laws and regulations governing said services within their area, the user agrees to consult with legal council to confirm the governing within their area prior to creating or processing any campaign through the services provided by the Site.  Furthermore, users also agree to familiarize themselves with the posted laws and regulations available online through the following websites:

Federal Communications Commission

Federal Trade Commission


h. Export Restrictions User acknowledges that Service and related Software is of U.S. origin. User agrees to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the Service or Software, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, as well as end-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued by U.S. and other governments for  services available to the Continental US, Canada, Europe and Australia.


IQXCONNEX.IO, its owner(s), agents, and their respective officers, directors, partners, members, managers, agents, employees, suppliers, representatives, shareholders, and each of their successors and assigns (collectively, “System Admin”) shall not be liable and are not responsible for any loss or damage Client suffers, or any loss or damages suffered by any party through or under Client, as a result of, or related to, the use, misuse, or abuse of the Service including, but not limited to: any indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, resulting from or relating in any way to the use of said Service and software.

Users will be utilizing the said services to deliver communications, marketing, data tracking, and other related services, to assist with business development and growth.  User is solely responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the use of these services. whether federal, state, local, international or otherwise.  Users should consult with legal counsel for guidance.  User understands and agrees that user is not looking to System Admin for such guidance, as our System Site and Software only provide a solution as a bridge between business and consumer for communication purposes.

User agrees to be responsible for (a) the content of information and communications using the Service, and (b) the use and publication of communications and/or information using the Service. User understands and agrees that System is only an intermediary for the transmission of User information, that System plays a passive role as a conduit for User, and that system neither initiates the transmission of information, selects the receivers of the transmission, nor selects nor modifies the information contained in the transmission. 

In no event shall the System be liable for the fraudulent or illegal use of the Service by Client or by end-users of Client. Client represents and warrants that Service will not be utilized in a manner that results in violation of any law, rule or regulation.  The System Site will monitor such use cases as a means to insure the System Site and Software is being used properly and without violation.

System Site may at System Sites discretion disclose to a third party any information it deems necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, governmental request, or in connection with any investigation, inquiry or complaint regarding Client’s use of the Service. Client/User agrees to maintain the confidentiality of their assigned account number and pass code, and further agree take full responsibility for all activities and transactions that occur under Client’s/Users assigned account number(s).

Client/Users agree to indemnify and hold System Site harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages, actions, demands, penalties, judgments, expenses and costs (including any attorney’s fees and expenses) arising out of :
(1) The use, misuse, or abuse of the Service by Client/User
(2) Infringement of any trademark, patent, copyright, or other intellectual property by Client/User
(3) Any breach of any covenant contained in this agreement
(4) Any misrepresentation, or breach of any of the representations or warranties of Client/User contained in this agreement
(5) Any claims by parties other than Client/User who have use of, or access to the Service through Client, including, but not limited to, Client’s End Users
(6) Any claims by third parties for libel, invasion of privacy, or violation of any applicable law due to Client’s use, misuse, or abuse of the Service

System Site makes no express or implied representations or warranties about the Service and disclaim any implied warranties, including, but not limited to, warranties of title, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, legal compliance, accuracy of data, or non-infringement. System Site does not authorize anyone to make any warranties on System Site behalf, and Client/User may not rely on any statement of warranty as a warranty by System Site.


Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or with the Site’s prior written consent, member agrees that all information including, without limitation, that the terms and conditions stated herein, the Site and the Site’s business and financial information, the Site’s customer lists, and the Site’s pricing and sales information, shall remain strictly confidential and shall not be utilized, directly or indirectly, by a member for a member’s own business purposes or for any other purpose except and solely to the extent that any such information is generally known or available to the public through a source or sources other than the Members. Notwithstanding the foregoing, member may deliver a copy of any such information (a) pursuant to a subpoena issued by any court or administrative agency, (b) to Members accountants, attorneys, or other agents on a confidential basis, and (c) otherwise as required by applicable law, rule, regulation or legal process.


Users acknowledge that by entering into and performing its obligations under these terms and conditions. The Site does not assume and should not be exposed to the business and operational risks associated with a member’s business, or any aspects of the operation or content of a member’s website(s). Accordingly, in addition to any other indemnification obligations contained in this Agreement, member shall protect, defend, hold harmless and indemnify the Site from and against any and all claims, actions, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses, even if such claims are groundless, fraudulent or false (including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred as a result of claims of customers or other third parties against the Site owned and our Members, licensors, suppliers, officers, directors, employees and agents arising from or connected with any of the content or activities of an Members website (including without limitation any activities or aspects thereof or commerce conducted thereon) or related business, or a Members misuse, unauthorized modification or unauthorized use of the services or materials provided by the Site hereunder.

Electronic Communications

When you visit the Site or send e-mails or other communications to the Site, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. We will communicate with you by e-mail, text or by posting notices on this site. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

Processing Transactions / Providing Service Policy

We may refuse to process a transaction for any reason or refuse Service to anyone at any time at our sole discretion. We will not be liable to you or any third party by reason of refusing or suspending any transaction after processing has begun.

Refunds and or Chargebacks

As stated herein above, due to the nature of the services being provided, Software as a service,  “ALL SALES ARE FINAL” and Non-Refundable.  As a member you pay a $10 processing fee to gain full access to our membership area for 10 days.  At anytime during this trial period, you can choose to:

  1.  Discontinue Services at which point you will simply loose access to our System Site and Software Related Services.   No need to cancel, you will simply be locked out of the system after the 10 day trial period is up, unless you choose to upgrade your service package.
  2.  Upgrade of your own free will and choice, to one of our user software  packages.  Upon doing this you agree to the terms of service, and the conditions laid out herein, which include, but are not limited to.
  3.  No Refunds (Due to the nature of the services being provided.  You gain instant access to the Software and the Services Provided upon payment.
  4. That All Sales Are Final and You Are Purchasing and Choosing to Upgrade of Your Own Free Will And Choice, again due to the nature of the services being provided to you.
  5.  If for any reason, and under certain circumstances, but only after being reviewed by our admin department, if a user is deemed worthy of a refund by the admin team, we IQX reserve the right to be given up to 120 days to provide said refund as may be determined by our admin and legal departments, minus any fees associated for providing access to the software under your membership and user agreement.
  6. No Chargebacks – If you decide to try and chargeback any money paid to IQX for trials, membership upgrades, and or other products and services provided to you by IQX, you are subject to a $500 processing fee.  You are also subject to any legal fee’s that may result from this, and will be responsible for all legal fees that may arise as a result of the chargeback.   Plus any additional money that may have been paid as compensation to one of our sales agents, along with any other fee’s associated.  These fee’s will be taken out before any refunds are considered if an agreement cannot be worked out and reconciled. 
  7. If you choose to chargeback and or request a refund, and our management and admin teams approve this, you will loose all access to IQX, including the software, your membership, the tools, training, resources, and any other parts associated, and you will no longer be eligible to be a member of IQX or have access to any of the products, services, etc.  You will forfeit your rights to your membership and will lose total access for life! 

If you do have questions, concerns or any other reasons and would like to contact our admin department to discuss alternatives solutions, please email us: admin@iqxconnex.io  Be sure to provide your full name, email, a contact number where you can be reached, the best time to contacted you, and the reason for your inquiry.  We look forward to serving you.

Sincerely, the IQX Admin Team!

© Copyright 2024 IQXCONNEX Inc.    All rights are reserved.

We give you the tools to build YOUR business, Faster! Better! Stronger!

Note: click or tap on a feature below to see more in-depth information & details!

As a member of IQX YOU will also be an affiliate automatically, and we have a pretty great compensation plan.  Just depending on the level you join will depend on how much or how little you’ll be able to take advantage of it.

Our Compensation plan pays several different ways. 

– We pay up-front commission on Activation Fee’s!  Earn on Multiple Levels and Down Multiple Tiers, just depending on what level you decide to join.

You will also be able to Earn on the Monthly Membership Fees.  

– Earn on Multiple Levels and down multiple tiers, again just depending on what level you decide to join, will depending on what you qualify to earn.

And the best part is, you can actually use this system and platform to do all the hard work for you!  So no having to chase or bother people if you aren’t into that sort of thing. ;)

We have created a DFY (Done-For You) Funnel & Marketing/Lead Campaigns within IQX for Enagic!  This funnel includes the following:

A Done For You Funnel that will do all the selling, telling and explaining for you!

Done for you SMS Campaigns which include, Groups/List Segmentation, SMS Auto-Responders, ETC.  Making it easy for you to plug in and start driving traffic right away!

We also give you immediate access to some of the hottest and most qualified leads that you can push your message and link to right away, via the SMS/MMS Auto-Responders, and Broadcasting Features!

Literally 10-15 Minutes Per Day is all it takes!

SMS/MMS has a 98% Open and Read Rate within 3 Minutes or Less!

A 93% Response Rate within 90 Seconds on Average!

39% – 58% Opt-In Rate, Just depending.

And an average conversion rate of 10% to 25%

Quick Disclaimer:  Individual results will vary, and nothing is ever guaranteed.

As a member of the IQX Platform, you’ll have Immediate Access to some of the hottest and most qualified leads this industry has to offer.  These leads normally sell anywhere from $2 per lead up to $100 per lead just depending.  They come with a full name, email, phone number, mailing address ETC!

Each lead has opted in to a generic funnel looking for ways to earn extra income from home, have taken a qualifying survey, and many have even been phone verified.

You’ll have access to these leads for a fraction of industry standard pricing as a member of IQX (below wholesael).

Simple choose your lead package!  Pick which group you want them to go into, make sure you have a 10DLC and SMS credits.  And you’re Done-For-You, Enagic SMS Auto-Responder will go to work for you and put your message and your link, right in-front of new eyeballs that are looking for ways to make additional income from home!

It really doesn’t get much easier!

Within the IQX Platform for Enagic, We have built-out done for you campaigns, which include segmented groups, and SMS auto-responder sequences.  There is one for Opt-In Propsects who you share your link with, whether that is on social media, through email, or any other way, as well as through purchasing leads, for example, if you purchase leads, and put them in your Enagic Purchased Leads Group, they would begin to get your SMS sequence of follow-up messages that will lead them to your Enagic Opt-in funnel page, at which point they would opt-in and become a warm lead.

This has all been built in and will be done for you!  All you would need to do is either share you link to your capture page, or buy a lead package, choose the Enagic Purchased Leads Group, and the SMS-Auto-Responder will Automatically go to work for you and start sending out messages via Text, to your leads, with a link to your Intro or Opt-in page!

It really doesn’t get much easier than this!

And YES, as a member of IQX (depending on what level you join), you’ll have the ability to create additional, campaigns, groups, auto-responder sequences, and much more, to market any other business you might be apart of.

At the heart of the IQX SMS Marketing System, is the ability to send SMS, MMS messages in bulk to your subscribers and or lead lists. Send to 1 group at a time or multiple groups at once! Send messages to make announcements, give discounts, offer promotions, give reminders, or whatever you want to promote which can bring in massive business, and results, since SMS has a 98% delivery and open rate within 3 minutes or less on average!

With built in Calendar Feature, easily schedule out messages in advance. This is a great way to ensure your customers/prospects won’t forget about you. We give you full control of your SMS messaging and the ability to put together messages and schedule when you want them to go out. You can send them out instantly (within 10-15 minutes in bulk) or schedule them a day, a week or even months in advance.​

This feature gives you the ability to split test different messages via our Bulk SMS Broadcaster.  It’s a great way to see which message is getting better click through rates.

You have the ability to split test multiple different messages with an SMS broadcast, including an MMS or (Multimedia Message) to see which one pulls and or converts better!

Just one more added feature and benefit of the IQX Platform!

As a member of IQX with our Enagic Team, you’ll have access to done for you (Default Groups) that will segment your leads into different lists just depending on if they are a cold lead or an opt-in.  This can be extremely helpful when sending out SMS/MMS messages to different groups, etc.

You’ll also be able to create additional groups, how many will depend on the level you join.  This will give you the ability to market anything else you might be apart of and keep things separate.

This is a great way to keep things organized and be able to market multiple things at once.

Yes, we have a contact management system built into our platform. Very simple to use and contains your contacts/subscribers along with many other features and benefits. Easily search for and manage all of your subscribers. For every new subscriber that joins a list by SMS or other methods You’ll be able to view the source for each. Many comprehensive features are included.

Our unique A.I. enhanced SMS allows you to create AUTOMATED Q&A responses which can be kicked off by a “Press 1” Voice Broadcasting Transfer, Scanning a QR Code and or Texting a preferred keyword to your SMS Assigned Number. You can have multiple numbers, multiple keywords and create as many Q&A sequences as you want, (just depending on your membership level). This is great for gathering valuable information, growing your list and then sending your prospect to whatever link you want them to go to… This can be all automated to your desired specifications.

We have added MMS Capabilities! This allows you to send more robust text message with pictures included. Easily bring the best of email and or social media marketing with the urgency of SMS to communicating with your prospects. Paint a better picture and or video with rich media messaging easily sent to everyone on your list, with near-100% open rates and fast response times (within 3 minutes or less of receipt). This feature will surely take your instant messaging and follow up capabilities to another level.

Easily get/receive email notices when someone texts in something to your SMS # (SMS to Email). You can then respond directly to that email (if needed) from your email client, our system will take that email and send your response back via text message (Email to SMS).

A great and very useful tool if your prospect has additional questions., plus it makes it easier to keep track of the conversations as well since you’ll have multiple ways of communication.

Have an opt-in (SMS) list from somewhere else that you want to migrate over? Provided you have explicit consent from your subscribers that they agree to receive messages from you, you can upload your list and easily start broadcasting to them. We’ve made that process incredibly simple! Not sure if you have consent? Upload your list and the system will send out a quick message from you asking for their consent and to add them to your contacts list.​

This one is simple, and pretty much self explanatory.

Easily add subscribers/contacts with-in seconds with our quick add feature. This makes it much easier to grow your audience on the go.  You can even add yourself to your groups, so you too get the messages and know it’s working ;)

When you’re talking to people that seem interested, just quickly add them and they’ll start receiving the information automatically via SMS within seconds.

One of our best and most used features, is our Custom QR Code Creator.  Easily Create and Brand QR Codes to your liking.  You’ll also have many different abilities and add on features with this tool at your disposal. 

For Example; Send your prospects to an SMS Form for Capturing their information, before forwarding them to your promotion or offer, via embed link. This can be a key feature when it comes to building your list and then being able to send out instant text messages to keep in consistent communication with all of your customers!

You can build both Static and Dynamic QR Codes!

You can change colors, the look and feel, add a logo, and redirect a prospect to where you want them to go!  Plus with our Dynamic Option, if you ever decide to change the destination, you can do that, without having to change the QR code itself.  This can be very helpful, especially when it comes to print advertising or apparel.

This is definitely a feature that should not be overlooked!

By default, you will have several opt-in forms built into the Enagic Sales Funnel Process within IQX…

Allow potential prospects/customers to join an SMS marketing list through a web based form that can easily be put on any capture page or website you have. 

Or you can also use our Mobile Splash Page builder, or even the QR Code Creator with this feature.   This provides yet another cost-effective avenue to reach and attract new consumers/prospects and automatically subscribe them to your Text (SMS) Campaign.

Perfect for users that want to be able to easily create your own mobile friendly pages with video, images, opt-in forms, QR codes, Buttons, etc. As well as a built in WIZIWIG Editor.  Then send those pages via URLs or short links, out to your subscriber lists.

It works great for those you want to invite to check out your business and get them to subscribe to your SMS & email lists.

These pages are point and click easy to build within minutes, then simply save and they’re ready to go!

As part of the Built-in Enagic Sales Funnel, you’ll also have several short-links (by default) that are ready to go and use immediately to start promoting your Enagic Business!

You have the option to shorten any other link so they don’t take up as many characters in your text messages, leaving more room for your actual content.

Easily track how many clicks were made for a given link to see how effective your message actually was. 

A very helpful little tool in determining different aspects of any campaign. You can use this with the autoresponders, polls, contests or wherever you want as well. You’ll have insight on what messages work and what didn’t, allowing you to tweak your message content as needed.​

As an added benefit, our short-links are SMS approved by the carriers, so no need to worry about them being blocked as long as you are in compliance with FCC guidelines and regulations.  IQX for the most part does this for you, but when it comes to the actual messages and things, just make sure you are compliant.

Using our AI enhanced system, we have added a ton of the best attention grabbing headlines for you to take full advantage of. 

Use these to attract prospects and build curiosity.  You can use them as they are or edit them if you’d like.

And don’t forget to check out our Message Templates as well.  Simply choose a niche category or topic, and then a ton of different headlines will pop up that you can choose from to easily build out your messages!

We’ve added a ton of the hottest message templates for all different types of categories and niches that you can take advantage of.  These messages are meant to get your prospects to take action and click on your links in your message.  Feel free to use them as they are or edit them if you wish.

Upload Your List or use one of ours and send a Voice Broadcast message out to (the masses) a targeted audience of potential prospects. Both “Live Answer” and “VM Delivery” after a prospects presses “1” to receive a text message with more information. This is just one more way to easily reach out to a large list and get those most interested in learning more into your Automated SMS Campaign Stat.

When you become a member/affiliate of IQX, we automatically assign you a number or multiple numbers according to the membership you purchased. Depending upon what level of membership you are at will depend on how many messages you are able to send out at one time and per day. This phone number can also be tied to multiple keywords and campaigns.

IQXConnex gives you the ability for users to engage via keyword marketing. Mobile keywords are an element of mobile marketing campaigns to appeal to a certain target market. You’ll get access to choose your keywords! People will be able to sign up for your text campaign by texting in a keyword. With the founders club position, set as many different campaigns or keywords as you like.​

Note: Keywords may be limited depending on your membership package

2-way SMS chat allows you to jump into the conversation with a prospect when needed all with a built in SMS instant messenger interface! You can also send and receive text messages via your own phone or email… This will help you to answer additional questions if needed and convert more leads to buyers. While our automated A.I. will do a good job at gathering information and answer some questions. Its always best if a prospect has additional questions, that you are able to communicate directly with them via text message!

Once you’ve got an initial campaign setup and ready to go live, before you publish a live version of your SMS campaign, send a draft to your mobile number so you know exactly what your campaign will look like before going live. This will ensure that if you missed something you can be sure to fix it without any issues in advance.

You will also have a “live preview” of what it will look like on the SMS dashboard as well.

Note:  Always preview your campaigns before sending them out to your prospects list. 😉

Easily view detailed stats like # of successful messages, # of failed messages, reason the message failed, and the ability to delete any subscribers from your lists and campaigns that have failed to receive messages for any reason.​

Basically get a 30 thousand foot view of how your SMS campaigns are doing and then make changes accordingly.

Easily schedule and send appointment reminders to your audience ensuring they won’t forget about an appointment, up coming webinar, zoom meeting etc. Search for your contact one by one or in groups, then easily schedule an SMS to go out to them and remind them of your event… Again, this can be done for individuals and or for groups, similar to recurring messages but more for segmenting individual prospects or certain groups.​

Want to get on your contacts good side? There is nothing easier then having our system send out a “Happy Birthday Text” once they are subscribed to your list to make them feel special on their birthday and this can go a very long way. Our platform will automatically ask for this information inside their profile or via the SMS and then send them a birthday text message from you. This can be easily customized to your liking, it could even be used to send over an SMS Birthday Card or Message and give them a special discount or gift. Definitely a good engagement strategy.​

Every time you get another subscriber, you can opt to turn on Alerts which the system will send you every time someone else joins your list. You can have this happen as they join or receive a once per day summary.

Also, get low credit balance email alerts so you’ll always be aware of when to replenish your credits for SMS marketing.​

Whether you are an affiliate marketer or you own a brick and mortar business, these will help you to keep your customers coming back for more. Forget those archaic and often misplaced paper punch cards. Offer SMS “punch card” loyalty rewards to your customers and build loyalty to your brand to keep customers happy. There are multiple ways these can be used and it’s only limited by your own imagination. Just a simple text with the program punch code for that day and points are automatically tracked for given users. Different loyalty programs can be created with each having their own start and end date.​

The digital loyalty kiosk is a cutting edge tool that lets you create an easy to use kiosk display. It will provide your onsite customers with a user friendly display – letting them join your loyalty program online or through a brick and mortar type scenario right through their mobile device, check-in to a loyalty program and check their current status. We give you the ability to completely and easily customize every aspect of this to your liking for your customers and or potential prospects.​

This is a coming soon feature that will have many benefits!

Fully Done for You Postcard Marketing! While online marketing is great, offline marketing can be a key component if done correctly. Combine postcards with SMS marketing & QR Codes to drastically improve your campaigns engagement. You have access to done for you templates or you can upload your own design. Choose to Add a QR Code as well as your custom SMS # to give a prospect EASY CTA’s (Call to Action) that can be accessed instantly from any mobile device. With a few simple clicks of your mouse you can purchase done for you campaigns that include hot leads & we will do everything else including having them mailed out for you. Get ready to ramp up your marketing offline!​

A Few Additional Yet Important Key Elements

IQX makes it easier than ever for you to mange your subscribers without even leaving the system. You can literally create and move your data (subscribers) from group to group and easily segment them as needed just depending on what campaigns you are running/testing.

Note:  You’ll also have the ability to Import and Export your data whenever you want, in and out of the system with ease.

Just visualize if you will for a moment, all of the important KPI’s that you need to make informed decisions about your campaigns and your business. The dashboard makes everything very visible at a glance so you can continuously fine-tune your mobile marketing campaigns to perfection.

From the Dashboard, you’ll also be able to get a more in-depth history of every campaign you send and all the details are recorded for reference.

Easily see important statistics against any time range such as total campaigns, total messages sent, total deliveries and much more.

Also, with our Subscriber Reporting, see exactly who is opting in and out to measure effectiveness of your mobile campaigns

We fully stand behind cellular compliance. IQX will make sure that if a number in your database had not received a disclaimer, it will notify you to keep you safe.

With IQX we can assure you that all of your personal data and subscriber data is protected and secured by our industry leading SSL encryption as well as other security measures.

We fully stand behind cellular compliance. IQX will make sure that if a number in your database had not received a disclaimer, it will notify you to keep you safe.

Unlike other providers, we pride ourselves in being 100% compliant.  We appreciate your loyalty and trust as we continue to provide services to Big Corporations, Political Parties, Government Agencies, Non profits, Private Parties and Small Business since 2003.

Much More To Come As We Are Always Building and Developing

We give you the tools to build any business, Faster! Better! Stronger!

At the heart of the IQX SMS Marketing Campaign is the ability to send SMS, MMS messages in bulk to your subscribers.  Send messages to make announcements, give discounts, offer promotions, reminders, updates, etc.   And get results since SMS (text message marketing) has a 98% delivery and open rate, within three minutes of receipt on average.

With our built in Calendar, and Scheduling Feature, easily schedule out messages in advance. This is a great way to ensure your customers/clients won’t forget about you. We give you full control of your SMS messaging and the ability to put together messages, and schedule when you want them to go out. You can send them out instantly (within 10-15 minutes in bulk on average) or schedule them a day, a week or even months in advance.​

Easily view detailed stats like # of successful messages, # of failed messages, reason the message failed, and the ability to delete any subscribers from your lists and campaigns that have failed to receive messages for any reason.​

Basically get a 30 thousand foot view of how your SMS campaigns are doing and then make changes accordingly.

After a person/customer/client joins your list via the opt-in, automatically attach your subscribers to an SMS auto-responder campaign that will continue to send them follow up messages and engage them on a preset schedule much like an email auto-responder only with much higher deliverability and open rate.

Create as many different groups and campaigns as you would like! (just depending on which membership level you have will depend on your available options)

Messages will always automatically include the following:  Stop to opt out, Help for Help, msg and data rates may apply.

Our unique A.I. enhanced SMS allows you to create AUTOMATED Q&A responses.  You can have multiple numbers, multiple keywords and create as many Q&A sequences as you want, (just depending on your membership level). This is great for gathering valuable information to understand better the needs of your customers/clients.   This can be all automated to your desired specifications.

Have an opt-in (SMS) list from your current subscribers (CRM Database) that you want to migrate over? Provided you have explicit consent from your subscribers that they agree to receive messages from you, you can upload your list and easily start broadcasting to them. We’ve made that process incredibly simple! 

We have added MMS Capabilities! This allows you to send more robust text message with pictures included. Easily bring the best of email, and or social media marketing with the urgency of SMS to communicating with your customers/clients. Paint a better picture and or video with rich media messaging easily sent to everyone on your list, with near-100% open rates and fast response times (within 90 seconds or less of receipt). This feature will surely take your instant messaging and follow up capabilities to another level.

One of our best and most used features, is our Custom QR Code Creator.  Easily Create and Brand QR Codes to your liking.  You’ll also have many different abilities and add on features with this tool at your disposal.  For Example; Send your prospects to an SMS Form for Capturing their information, before forwarding them to your promotion via the link they will receive in their text message.  This can be a key feature when it comes to building your list and then being able to send out instant text messages to keep in consistent communication with all of your customers!

You can build both Static and Dynamic QR Codes!

Allow potential clients/customers to join an SMS marketing list through a web based form that can easily be put on any page or website you have.  Or you can also use our Mobile Splash Page builder with this feature.   This provides yet another cost-effective avenue to reach and attract new consumers and subscribe them to your Text (SMS) Campaign upon opt-in.

Perfect for users that want to be able to easily create your own mobile friendly pages with video, images, opt-in forms, QR codes, Buttons, etc. As well as a built in WIZIWIG Editor.  Then send those pages via URLs or short links, out to your subscriber lists. It works great for those you want to invite to check out your business and get them to subscribe to your SMS & email lists for marketing purposes.

These pages are point and click easy to build within minutes, then simply save and they’re ready to go!

With our group segmenting function, you can easily segment your prospects into groups. This organizes your contacts and allows you to keep all your subscribers organized and know where they are coming from. It’s a great way to keep track of everything and stay in contact with your subscribers…​

You have the option to shorten your links so they don’t take up as many characters in your text messages, leaving more room for your actual content. Easily track how many clicks were made for a given link to see how effective your message actually was. A very helpful little tool in determining different aspects of any campaign. You can use this with the autoresponders, polls, contests or wherever you want as well. You’ll have insight on what messages work and what didn’t, allowing you to tweak your message content as needed.​

Within the System we have added a ton of the best attention grabbing headlines for you to take full advantage of (Editable).  Use these to attract customers/clients and build curiosity for your offer.  You can use them as they are or edit them if you’d like.

And don’t forget to check out our Message Templates as well.

We’ve added a ton of the hottest message templates for all different types of categories and niches that you can take advantage of.  These messages are meant to get your customers/clients to take action and click on your links in your message.  Feel free to use them as they are or edit them if you wish.

IQX gives you the ability for users to engage via keyword marketing (ie; text the keyword to the number to get more details. Mobile keywords are an element of mobile marketing campaigns to appeal to a certain target markets. You’ll get access to choose your keywords! People will be able to sign up for your text campaign by texting in a keyword.

Note: Keywords may be limited depending on your membership package

2-way SMS chat allows you to jump into the conversation with a prospect when needed all with a built in SMS instant messenger interface! You can also send and receive text messages via your own phone or email… This will help you to answer additional questions if needed to ensure your customers/clients receive the answers to their questions quickly. While our automated A.I. will do a good job at gathering information and answer some questions. Its always best if a customer/client has additional questions, that you are able to communicate directly with them via text message!

Easily get/receive email notices when someone texts in something to your SMS # (SMS to Email). You can then respond directly to that email (if needed) from your email client, our system will take that email and send your response back via text message (Email to SMS). A great and very useful tool if your customer/client has additional questions. Plus it makes it easier to keep track of the conversations as well since you’ll have multiple ways of communication.

Once you’ve got an initial campaign setup and ready to go live, before you publish a live version of your SMS campaign, send a draft to your mobile number so you know exactly what your campaign will look like before going live. This will ensure that if you missed something you can be sure to fix it without any issues in advance.

You will also have a “live preview” of what it will look like on the SMS dashboard as well.

Note:  Always preview your campaigns before sending them out to your prospects list. 😉

Yes, we have a contact management system built into our platform. Very simple to use and contains your contacts/subscribers along with many other features and benefits. Easily search for and manage all of your subscribers. For every new subscriber that joins a list by SMS or other methods You’ll be able to view the source for each. Many comprehensive features are included.

Easily schedule and send appointment reminders to your customers/clients ensuring they won’t forget about an appointment. Search for your contacts one by one or in groups, then easily schedule an SMS to go out to them and remind them of the event… Again, this can be done for individuals and or for groups, similar to recurring messages but more for segmenting individual prospects or certain groups.​

Want to get on your contacts good side? There is nothing easier then having our system send out a “Happy Birthday Text” once they are subscribed to your list to make them feel special on their birthday. This can go a very long way. Our platform will automatically ask for their birthday info (by default) , and then send them a birthday text message from you. This can be easily customized to your liking, it could even be used to send over an SMS Birthday Card or Message and give them a special discount or gift. Definitely a good engagement strategy.​

Every time you get another subscriber, you can opt to turn on Alerts which the system will send you every time someone else joins your list. You can have this happen as they join or receive a once per day summary.

Also, get low credit balance email alerts so you’ll always be aware of when to replenish your credits for SMS marketing.​

A Few Additional yet Important Key Elements

IQX makes it easier than ever for you to mange your subscribers without even leaving the system.  You’ll be able to see their information, which groups they are apart of, and what information has been sent or received.

Just visualize if you will for a moment, all of the important KPI’s that you need to make informed decisions about your campaigns and your business. The dashboard makes everything very visible at a glance so you can continuously fine-tune your mobile marketing campaigns to perfection.

From the Dashboard, you’ll also be able to get a more in-depth history of every campaign you send and all the details are recorded for reference.

Easily see important statistics against any time range such as total campaigns, total messages sent, total deliveries and much more.

Also, with our Subscriber Reporting, see exactly who is opting in and out to measure effectiveness of your mobile campaigns

We fully stand behind cellular compliance. IQX will automatic include all the pertinent details at the end of your messages when someone subscribes or receives a message, such as, txt STOP to Opt-Out, Help for Help.  Etc.

With IQX we can assure you that all of your personal data, and subscriber data is protected and secured by our industry leading SSL encryption as well as other security measures.

We fully stand behind cellular compliance. IQX will make sure that if a number in your database had not received a disclaimer, it will notify you to keep you safe.

Unlike other providers, we pride ourselves in being 100% compliant.  We appreciate your loyalty and trust as we continue to provide services to Big Corporations, Political Parties, Government Agencies, Non profits, Private Parties and Small Business since 2003.

Much More To Come As We Are Always Building and Developing

Industry Solutions

Customer Care

West Coast Operations:

2056 N. 500 W,
Clinton, UT  84015

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday
8am – 5pm MST

Thank you for choosing IQXCONNEX!  Please complete the form below, so that one of our team members can reach back out to you ASAP!  Thank you!

By completing the form above you agree to receive txt message correspondents from IQX.  Reply STOP to opt out, Help for help.  MSG & date rates may apply.  Terms of Service / Privacy Policy / Acceptable Use Policy